Connect The Environment Print

Identify and understand the surrounding landscape and wider ecological systems. 

Make ecosystems more resilient by using vegetation to create connections and corridors between parks and wider networks. Protect and enhance viewpoints and significant natural features. Ensure that movement networks through the natural environment respect the existing terrain, flora and fauna, heritage and cultural values.


Celebrate important views

Views to particular landscape features or buildings help orientate us, and important views provide a sense of place and neighbourhood identity. In Auckland, many of these views involve volcanic cones or the harbours. Views allow us to visually escape from our immediate surroundings and can promote a sense of openness and connectivity. Locations with views can also be great places to rest and relax.


Celebrate important views by:

  • identifying important views to be retained, restored or celebrated
  • protecting and maximising views to and from significant points or landmark features by:
  • avoiding obstruction by trees and shrubs as they mature
  • drawing attention to these view shafts with features such as seating, viewing platforms or other appropriate amenities
  • identifying any long range vistas which could be enjoyed from within the sites​



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