Design responsePrint

​Relating the project design back to the preceding analysis provides a robust explanation for your project

The design response provides a detailed description of the new development and explains how it responds to the opportunities and constraints, and the wider context analysis. This is the information that is typically prepared by the architect / designer to satisfy standard resource consent information requirements.

  • A design response is required for all Design Statements.
  • It consists of a concept plan, site layout, building design and sunlight access (shadow diagrams).
  • Shadow diagrams are a useful tool to test and consider the effects of the proposed building(s) on the quality of indoor and outdoor spaces, on the development site and neighbouring properties.
  • The design response illustrates the final form and appearance the development will take, including the materials, colours and finishes of all buildings.
  • The type and amount of information required will depend on the complexity and scale of your development.
  • For larger or more complex developments the design response can also include landscape and open space plans, and streets/ accessways / lane design.
  • guidance_designer's design response.jpg​​
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