Public space safety guidelinesPrint

  • ​Public spaces are safest when they are activated by establishments such as shops or cafes. Food kiosks and seating also help to attract people.
  • Overlooking residential buildings or offices can also help to make the place feel safe.
  • Public open spaces should be avoided either where there is no supporting activities in the surrounding or when site conditions limit visibility, such as on sloping sites. 
  • Public squares should be located along key pedestrian routes to help get more people coming through them. Avoid situating squares at dead ends.
  • Signs on the site should be easy to read and tactfully placed. Too many signs can result in visual clutter, confusion, and obstructed visibility.
  • When designing for public spaces:
    • cater for a variety of uses
    • the size and scale of the space should complement existing public spaces and activities, as well as catering to any new users you wish to attract
    • recreational activities as well as public facilities, such as seating, water and drinking fountains, and public toilets, will encourage the use of public spaces
    • control access to service areas and rear parking areas that are not easily visible from public roads to restrict public entry
    • make sure there is a gap between shrubs and tree canopies to allow for clear visibility.

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