Why was the Auckland Design Manual created?

With the emergence of the Super City the Auckland Design Manual team worked to bring together our city’s design guidance into one place.  The goal was to make it easier for Auckland residents to source information about how to deliver quality projects within the built environment.

The Auckland Design Manual supports the Auckland Plan 2050, as well as Council’s obligations to the Ministry for the Environment (in particular the Urban Design Protocol).  It also provides guidance for achieving design outcomes under the Auckland Unitary Plan

The Auckland Design Manual is not a statutory document or a part of the Unitary Plan, it provides some context for the references in the Unitary Plan relating to best practice design.

Grow with us

The Design Manual is a resource that is constantly growing as design practices within our city develop and change. Auckland is changing fast, and so is the Design Manual.

If you'd like to suggest new content, such as new design guidance topics, case studies or worked examples, please email the team at: 
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