Typical Design Issues Print

​​Some of the typical design issues that arise in Landscape and Amenity environments include:

  • Archaeological sites are common along the coastal edge but are often not identified
  • Universal design is not always achieved, limiting the access, use and enjoyment of a park by all citizens and visitors.


  • Poor stormwater management limits usage and causes ongoing maintenance issues.
    • Assess how existing stormwater systems or water systems on site are working.  Address the volume of stormwater rather than just managing it better by reducing the amount of stormwater generated on the site. This can be done in many ways, including reducing the amount of impervious payment areas. Refer to Auckland Council's Stormwater Guide GD04.
  • Narrow or irregularly shaped areas with minimal road frontage andnarrow access ways make places difficult to find, uninviting and unsafe
    • Developing parks on such sites is not encouraged. However, where this is an existing condition, try to provide clear sight lines from the road frontage through narrow access ways into the park. This allows people to see there is a park, and achieves some passive surveillance of the space. Clear sightlines are best achieved with minimal planting ofshrubs and trees.
  • Unsafe or awkward entrances
    • Lighting and clear sightlines will reduce safety issues. Ensure tree canopies are lifted to provide clear sight lines, and ensure lighting is not obstructed. Colour and seating could encourage people to occupy these entrance areas which may increase safety.
  • Ongoing conflict between the retention of views and maturing trees, particularly in the coastal environment.
    • Take a consistent approach to this issue. Clearly outline the benefit and importance of trees to Auckland's costal environment to individuals or groups claiming that views from their residence are affected. Also communicate the value of trees to the wider community.
  • Land-sea interface is poorly managed; coastal erosion and heavy use are not anticipated or appropriately designed for.
    • Develop a site-specific plan to control, prevent or slow down coastal erosion. A good understanding of the history of the site and how the site responds to different weather and seasonal variations is important to understand and best manage these edges.​
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