Treasure Our Heritage Print

Identify, protect, and conserve the heritage features on site. 

Use interpretation to allow people to understand, connect and value both the tangible and intangible heritage values associated with the place. Any new work or additions should be sympathetic to the existing heritage features.


Engage with Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and Auckland Council Heritage Unit

By engaging with heritage experts within council and the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, designers can obtain accurate records that can help explain the history, heritage, significance and condition of the site.

Designers should:

  • enquire about existing resources, such as conservation plans, which outline how these places should be managed to conserve the heritage features and prevent ad hoc changes that could damage or destroy them.
  • consult with council and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga​​ to understand whether or not resource consent is required. If so, it is likely a heritage assessment will also be required. Undertake the heritage assessment and consult with manawhenua in the process
  • engage with an appropriate range of heritage specialists to inform planning, decision-making and construction on or around heritage places. These include conservation architects, archaeologists, arborists, historians, conservators, engineers and surveyors
  • consider engaging a historic heritage specialist to prepare a conservation plan if one does not exist.


Take a site-specific conservation approach

Every historic heritage site is unique and a site-specific conservation approach should be adopted for each site. Establishing an approach with help from heritage experts will ensure safe stewardship of council heritage assets on behalf of the community, and will help to guide the selection of materials and the overall site design.


Ensure the conservation approach is site-specific by:

  • getting clear direction from the client on whether landscape protection can be achieved without intervention, or whether it will be achieved through preservation, active management and conservation
  • following the the principles of the ICOMOS NZ Charter (2010), involving preservation, restoration or adaptation
  • determining if any features are at risk of deterioration as a result of natural processes such as erosion or flooding
  • engaging a heritage specialist to ensure the conservation approach chosen is thoroughly  assessed​

Articulate between old and new

Building new structures or features in parks that refer to the past can contribute to public appreciation and understanding of the historical significance of a place. However, clear distinction needs to be made between old and new to avoid confusion about what is authentic. Any additions made into these heritage environments should be sympathetic and show respect for the original heritage features. Care should be taken not to detract from theauthentic heritage qualities with imitation or replica style works.



  • any proposed restoration or reconstruction of elements integrates well with the existing heritage forms on the site
  • alternative materials which contain similar qualities as the original heritage feature (such as colour) are sourced.  Alternatively,  use the same material but  in a different pattern to differentiate between existing heritage features and new additions
  • new features or facilities are sympathetic to the old, but clearly identifiable as new.​


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