Design For Health, Wellbeing And Fun Print

Provide fun, creative and stimulating environments for all ages to enjoy. 

Provide opportunities for social interaction, active and passive physical activity; and places for children and young people to have fun, play and learn. Designs should include artworks, and be able to accommodate events. Design should aim to stimulate the senses, harnessing sights, sounds, smells, taste and tactile experiences.


Create inviting heritage spaces

Heritage parks do not have to be quiet places separated from recreational activity. By creating inviting places that welcome the community to enjoy them, they will be loved, respected and treasured places that are well-looked after and appreciated.


Create inviting heritage spaces by:

  • incorporating fun and creative areas where people can interact with heritage, thereby enhancing their overall enjoyment of the park
  • designing the park in such a way that the heritage of the site is still protected, but can be seen and enjoyed be people as they enjoy the park as a whole.​


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