1. semi-detached house

    (Duplex) A house which shares a common wall/ boundary with one other house.

  2. sense of place

    A person or community’s appreciation of the special and unique qualities of their neighbourhood, city or environment that is different from other places.

  3. service area

    An area that is external to the apartment building and used for the storage and collection of waste and recycling from individual apartments.

  4. set back

    The horizontal distance between a building and the general building line of the street.

  5. shared path

    A path provided for use by both cyclists and pedestrians, either in a road corridor or elsewhere, such as in parks or alongside rail lines, rivers, coast lines or lakeshores.

  6. site

    A piece of land that is often considered for a future building project

  7. site analysis

    See context analysis

  8. sleeved

    The location of small buildings, tenancies and/or activities located on the outside edge of a larger building or structure that does not offer an adequate level of amenity to the street. Sleeved structures help create an active street frontage with entrances and windows orientated to the street. It may also help mitigate the effects of large expanses of blank unarticulated walls.

  9. spatial configuration

    The 3-dimensional composition of buildings and spaces.

  10. specially protected area

    Any part of a national park set apart as a specially protected area under section 12 of the National Parks Act 1980.

  11. species

    A group of organisms which has evolved distinct common inheritable features and occupies a particular geographic range, and which is capable of interbreeding freely but not with members of other species.

  12. street edge

    The interface between public or private places and a street. In an urban situation this would typically be a building overlooking the street.

  13. subdivision

    The process of subdividing a piece of land into a number of smaller lots. Also an area or place, made up of a number of lots, usually bare land, with lots marketed for sale and development.

  14. suburban

    An area in which residential housing is the dominant activity. As a place it is characterised by low density development; buildings have space around them; making distances greater and creating greater reliance on the private motor car as the means of moving around the area.