1. pa

    Fortified village

  2. paerangi


  3. pākehā

    New Zealander of European descent

  4. pānui

    Invitation, or notification

  5. papakāinga

    Village / Māori settlement

  6. passive solar design

    The design of a building that utilises natural heat and light effectively to minimise energy use. This may influence the choice of building orientation, materials, and glazing, to neable the sun to heat, cool and potentially provide hot water for occupants. Such an approach can radically reduce energy use, and associated heating costs, and is a key part of a sustainable design ethos

  7. passive surveillance

    To overlook an area with the aim of making the space a safe and pleasant environment. A beneficial side effect of passive surveillance is the potential to foster social engagement between people.

  8. pātaka


  9. pēpeha

    Tribal sayings, which identify the speaker in relation to ancestral lines, key historical events, and significant landscape features of the iwi/hapu rohe.

  10. permeability

    The degree to which an area has a variety of routes to move through and connect with adjacent spaces.

  11. place-making

    An inclusive approach to design that actively engages with local communities and stakeholders thoughout all stages of the design process; planning, designing, building, managing and programming of places in an integrated way. so that they are successful, attractive and enduring for people. It requires consideration of the relationships between all the parts of a place and the way they work together, rather than a focus on each part (e.g. just the building) in isolation from the whole area.

  12. plan change process

    A planning procedure to propose change to the District or Unitary Plan controls, allowing for development that the plan may not have anticipated. This change may be instigated by a private individual or the Council.

  13. plant

    Any angiosperm, gymnosperm, fern or fern ally; and includes any moss, liverwort, alga, fungus, or related organism (section 2, National Parks Act 1980).

  14. plant community

    All of the plant species and individuals occurring in a shared habitat or environment.

  15. porous pavement

    Paving specifically designed and constructed to encourage rapid infiltration and percolation of rainfall and stormwater through the entire pavement cross-section, and maintain this function over many decades, while directly supporting traffic loads. A permeable pavement surface with an underlying stone reservoir that temporarily stores surface runoff before infiltrating into the subsoil.

  16. poutama

    The stepped pattern of tukutuku panels and woven mats, symbolising genealogy and also the various levels of learning and intellectual achievement

  17. pouwhenua

    Marker pole or post.

  18. pōwhiri

    Rituals of encounter, welcome ceremony.

  19. practical completion

    In a building contract, the point that when all building work is complete except for minor omissions or defects that the contractor has reasonable grounds for not completing. In relation to a building consent, practical completion is the point at which Council determines that the building has met the requirements of the building code.

  20. preservation

    In relation to a resource, means the maintenance, so far as is practicable, of its intrinsic values (section 2, Conservation Act 1987).

  21. principles of the treaty of waitangi

    The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi identified from time to time by the Government of New Zealand.

  22. private realm

    An area that is only accessible to those that have a right of entry as decided by the site or building owner.

  23. protection

    In relation to a resource, means its maintenance, so far as is practicable, in its current state; but includes: (a) its restoration to some former state; and (b) its augmentation, enhancement, or expansion. (section 2, Conservation Act 1987).

  24. public interest

    Interest that is open to or shared by all people.

  25. public realm

    An area that is only accessible to those that have a right of entry as decided by the site or building owner.

  26. public space

    This term refers to both: a) spaces that are publicly owned and which are intended for use by the public, and b) spaces that are privately owned and which are intended for use by the public.