Opportunities and contraintsPrint

Have the findings of the site and neighbourhood analysis been critically evaluated?
An opportunities and constraints diagram includes information identified in the site analysis, neighbourhood analysis and planning context.  The opportunities and constraints diagram should present a summary of these and not introduce new material.

The opportunities and constraints diagram outlines the conclusions you have reached from your contextual analysis, and sets out important parameters for the development proposal that will follow. The information presented will begin to identify where the building platform(s) should go, where areas of private outdoor space could be located, where any effects to or from neighbouring properties will need to be managed etc.  

This diagram becomes very important in the ongoing consideration of a development proposal, when assessing how the development proposal responds to the conditions of the site.

The opportunities and constraints analysis should:
  • Present a short summary of the site and neighbourhood analysis and identify the key opportunities and constraints in terms of development and contribution to public realm
  • Identify elements that are both an opportunity and constraint and any conflicting issues
  • Clearly identify and explain trade-offs between competing interests. 
  • Identify other limitations (e.g. heritage, transport, economic viability).​
Make your opportunities and constraints diagram comprehensive and reader-friendly by:
  • Use an aerial photo (perhaps as used for the earlier site analysis) as a base for your diagram to aid consistency.  This should show buildings, open space, vegetation etc. You can download an aerial photo of your site from Council’s GIS server here​.  
  • Decide what information from your analysis should be presented on the opportunities and constraints diagram. Try to prioritise information based on its effect on development          
  • Always include a key, north arrow and scale bar on maps
  • Use one colour for opportunities (symbols, font, arrows etc.) and another colour for constraints, to make the map easy to understand
  • Try not to overcrowd the map with too much information.  If your map is becoming full, consider presenting opportunities on one map and constraints on another
  • You can include supporting text to elaborate on the information presented, such as competing objectives (e.g. views to south but requirement to locate private open space to the north).​

​Example of an Opportunities and Constraints diagram


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